Bunbury Storms - Premier's Relief Payment

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Application Form: Bunbury Storms Premier's Relief Payment

* indicates a required field.

General Information

The Premier’s Relief Payment provides financial assistance to eligible residents whose home was:

  • located within the path of the Bunbury severe storms events on 10 May, or 1 June 2024,
  • and significantly damaged or destroyed by the events.

The payment is to help cover costs for essential items, personal effects, transport and emergency accommodation,

The Premier’s Relief Payment is comprised of the following:

  • Full Payment: A one-off payment of $4,000 per household for eligible applicants whose home was destroyed or suffered severe damage and is uninhabitable because of the events.
  • Partial Payment: A one-off payment of $2,000 per household for eligible applicants whose home suffered major damage, because of the events.

NOTE: For the purposes of this relief payment:

  • Minor damage that is associated with normal seasonal storms is not eligible. This may include minor roof leaks, overflowing gutters, minor displacement of roof tiles, or damage to fences.
  • A home means your usual place of residence, being the area and/or residential dwelling where a person normally lives, sleeps and eats. Residential dwellings are structures capable of long-term human habitation and include houses, apartments (or units), semi-detached or duplex homes, villas, terrace houses, townhouses, granny flats and transportable buildings.

Only one (1) relief payment will be made per household. The main occupant is the primary resident eligible to apply under this scheme.

Eligibility Criteria

All the following eligibility criteria must be met to apply:

  • The applicant’s home was destroyed or damaged by the Bunbury severe storm events on 10 May or 1 June 2024 (the events).
  • The home was located in the path of the severe storms.
  • The home was used as a usual place of residence up to 10 May 2024 for the first event, or up to 1 June 2024 of the second event.
  • The applicant is the main occupant of the home.
  • An application has not already been submitted on behalf of the household for the affected home for these events.

Applicant Details

The applicant must be the primary resident of the household and provide their legal name as shown on their identification.
Must be a date. 
Address Line 1, Suburb/Town, State/Province, Postcode, and Country are required. 
Must be an email address. 
Must be an Australian phone number. 
Upload a copy of at least one (1) of the following primary documents as proof of identity. If you have lost your items due to the event, select 'Other' and DFES will assist you. * Required
Response required.
If you selected OTHER, please provide two (2) forms of secondary identification.
Attach a file: Select stored file
    Please ensure your evidence is clear and legible.

    Bank Account Details

    Provide your bank account details below. 

    Acceptable documents include; a copy of your bank account statement or snap shot of your mobile banking page clearly showing your full name, BSB and account number.

    The account information entered below must:

    • Be the account details of the applicant.
    • Be your full name (first and last name).
    • Match the BSB and account number displayed on your statement.

    *Please ensure the bank account details you provide are correct. Bank account details cannot be changed once a payment is made.*

    Must be a valid Australian bank account format. 
    Attach a file: Select stored file
      The bank account statement must show your full name, BSB and account number all on the same document.

      Appointing a Representative

      We will need to contact you regarding your application.

      If you have not provided a contact number or e-mail above, please provide representative contact details below:

      Must be an Australian phone number. 
      Must be an email address. 

      Impacted Home Details

      • Under this scheme a home is your usual place of residence.
      • It may be owned or rented.
      • It may be a house, a unit, a park home, or any other permanent dwelling.
      • The home must have been destroyed or suffered major damage. 
      • The home must have been located within the path of the eligible storms.
      • If you are unsure whether your home fits this criteria, please email us at recoverygrants@dfes.wa.gov.au outlining your situation, or call the Recovery Grants Team on 1800 490 678.
      Was your home destroyed or severely damaged as a result of one of the eligible events on 10 May or 1 June 2024? * Required
      This must have been your usual place of residence at the time of the event.
      Validation: House/unit, suburb, state, postcode, country response required.
      Attach a file: Select stored file
        Provide one (1) of the following documents to prove you are the primary resident and the home was your usual place of residence at the time of the event: * Required
        Response required.
        You may be asked to provide a secondary form of evidence if we are unable to verify your proof of residence using the documention provided.
        Attach a file: Select stored file

          For us to assess your application, we may need further evidence to support the damage to your home. If you are able to provide the following documents now, it will assist in the assessment of your application.

          Acceptable forms of evidence can be:

          • A letter or report from your insurer confirming the damage.
          • An invoice for completed repair services.
          • Clear photos showing storm damage to your home.
          Must be no more than 1000 characters. 
          Attach a file: Select stored file
            You have the option to upload multiple documents, each with a maximum size limit of 25MB.

            Privacy Statement

            The Department of Fire and Emergency Services is working with the Department of Communities and other third-party organisations to deliver recovery arrangements following the disaster event. There are a range of supports and services available to the affected community, including financial and non-financial support for eligible persons.

            To deliver these services, the Department of Fire and Emergency Services may need to use and share personal details such as address, property damage severity, occupancy type, names, and contact information.

            Your personal information will be dealt with in accordance with the applicable legislation in Western Australia and consistent with any legal obligation (including the State Records Act 2000). The Department of Fire and Emergency Service Privacy Policy is available here.

            Information may also be used or disclosed:

            • where required or permitted by a law of Western Australia (e.g. under the Freedom of Information Act 1992);
            • if we are required by law to do so (e.g. by a court or tribunal order, or a law of the Commonwealth);

            If you have any questions relating to privacy, please contact recoverygrants@dfes.wa.gov.au.

            Applicants Declaration

            I declare:

            • The information provided in this application is true and correct.
            • I am the primary resident of the home and lived in the home as an owner or tenant, up to 10 May or 1 June 2024 (relevant to the event).
            • I have not previously applied or received a payment for this scheme.
            • I have read and understand the eligibility criteria provided within this application form.

            I authorise the Department of Fire and Emergency Services to:

            • Make changes to my application at my request if necessary.
            By ticking yes, you agree to the above declaration: * Required
            I give consent to the Department of Fire and Emergency Services to:

            Attention! (Not Applicable)

            This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Was your home destroyed or severely damaged as a result of one of the eligible events on 10 May or 1 June 2024?" on page 1

            You have indicated that your dwelling was not damaged or destroyed by the Bunbury Storms. Therefore, you do not meet the eligibility criteria for this grant.

            If you need help completing this form or require further information about this application form, please contact the Recovery Grants Team on 1800 490 678 or email us at recoverygrants@dfes.wa.gov.au