DRF Round Three

This is a preview of the DRF Round Three Individual Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Disaster Ready Fund (DRF) Round Three 2025- 26 Individual Project Application Form

* indicates a required field.

Applicants should refer to the DRF Round Three 2025 - 26 Guidelines and associated documents/templates when completing this form, paying particular attention to the following:

  • Applicants must submit Project Proposals through Lead Agencies in accordance with section 7.2 of the Guidelines and any instructions issued by the relevant Lead Agency. 
  • Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) as the WA Lead Agency is responsible for conducting an initial assessment of Project Proposals, prioritising them against state/territory priorities, seeking ministerial endorsement and submitting the most competitive proposals as Applications to NEMA using NEMA’s online application portal in accordance with section 7.1 of the Guidelines. 
  • Before using this form, Applicants should refer to the website of their relevant Lead Agency for further details on form requirements and the submission process for Project Proposals, noting that requirements may vary by state and territory.
  • All fields are mandatory unless otherwise indicated. For further information contact DFES on DisasterResilienceGrants@dfes.wa.gov.au
  • Before applying, it is important that Applicants read and understand the DRF Round Three Guidelines and any supplementary information or instructions published by NEMA and DFES. 
  • Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their Project Proposal is complete and accurate.
  • Please note there is a minimum total project value of $0.5 million for infrastructure projects only. 

Application Details - Project Title, Description and Lead Agency

Word count:
Must be no more than 15 words. The title should be short, concise without acronyms and easily understood by the community and the Assessment Panel.
Word count:
Must be no more than 70 words. Provide a succinct summary of the proposed activities and expected outcomes. Must be written in plain English and must not include acronyms. Note: This text will be published if the project application is successful and must be appropriate for publication.

Applicant and Delivery Partners

To be eligible for DRF funding Applicants must:

  • be an entity with the capacity to enter into a legally binding agreement; and 
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or  be a First Nations organisation or not-for-profit (NFP) organisation as defined in the Guidelines Glossary.   
  • not an entity listed in section 4.3 of the Guidelines

Applicants must provide evidence of their Applicant type for eligibility and co-contribution purposes. Failure to do so may result in the application being deemed ineligible or assessed for eligibility against the highest co-contribution category (i.e. at least 50 per cent of total project costs).

  1.  Businesses must provide a current ABN
  2.  First Nations organisations must provide evidence such as an
    • Indigenous Corporation Number (ICN),
    • Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC) registration and/or
    • a declaration that the Applicant is a Traditional Owner or
    • that the organisation is at least 51 per cent owned or controlled by Indigenous persons or
    • the Indigenous Enterprise has 50 per cent Indigenous ownership.
  3.  NFPs must provide evidence of their not-for-profit status such as
    • Current Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission’s (ACNC) Registration, or
    • Constitutional documents and/or 
    • Articles of Association that demonstrate the not-for-profit character of the organisation.               

Acceptable forms of evidence are also listed at section 4.2 of the Guidelines. Entities listed in section 4.3 of the Guidelines cannot be Applicants.

Word count:
Must be no more than 10 words. Name of the organisation/entity submitting the application.

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Applicant sub type" on page 1

Provide a current ABN, where applicable (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Applicant type" on page 1

Provide the Applicant’s ABN, where applicable

note: all Applicants who select ABN entity as the Applicant type above must enter an ABN here and provide evidence of the ABN by attaching their ABN confirmation advice or an extract of their ABN details from ABN Lookup.

Attach a file: Select stored file

    First Nations Applicant Type (Not Applicable)

    This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Applicant type" on page 1

    This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "What evidence will you be providing to confirm your status as an eligible First Nations organisation?" on page 1

    This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "What evidence will you be providing to confirm your status as an eligible First Nations organisation?" on page 1

    Attach a file: Select stored file

      This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "What evidence will you be providing to confirm your status as an eligible First Nations organisation?" on page 1

      Attach a file: Select stored file

        NFP Applicant Type (Not Applicable)

        This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Applicant type" on page 1

        This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "What evidence will you be providing to confirm your status as an eligible not-for-profit organisation?" on page 1

        Attach a file: Select stored file

          This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "What evidence will you be providing to confirm your status as an eligible not-for-profit organisation?" on page 1

          Attach a file: Select stored file

            Applicant Primary Contact Details

            Must be an Australian phone number. 
            Must be an email address.